It's only fitting that we begin with Michelle and Loki's story, showcasing their before and after success photos. So, please grab a drink, get comfortable, and prepare yourself for a tale of true love and bravery ❤️❤️
This is where it all began—Loki’s story…
At only 8 months old, Loki was thrown out of a speeding car in Granada by his previous owners. Desperate to catch up with them, the puppy chased and chased until he collapsed from heat exhaustion, his pads separating from his paws. Fortunately, an amazing woman who was also a rescuer saw Loki. She placed him in an empty house being renovated—a building site. Loki’s cries and pitiful pleas could be heard around the town (we still hear it now when he is afraid). This is when I saw him on Facebook while I was on holiday in Spain. I read his story, heard his cries in a video, and knew he would come home with me to the UK.
I arranged with the rescuer to move him off the streets to the safety of a boarding kennel, where another angel looked after him and prepared him for travel.
Loki arrived in August 2023, marking my very first rescue. Since then, another 78 dogs have been adopted in the UK, organized by H4P.
The transition was not easy for Loki. The first months were difficult as he suffered extreme separation anxiety and cried most of the time. With love, reassurance, and consistency, he has grown into a wonderful, healthy dog. We would never be without him—he is so loved.
The second and third picture shows Loki now, happy and thriving, free from a life on the streets.
He still has nightmares and cries in his sleep, but a cuddle and kind words help him settle.
This was the beginning of our rescue work. This is what we do it for.

Let's celebrate some of H4P's successes following on from Loki's beginning!

Everyone, meet Duke.
A gentle giant who spent his life chained up in a tiny box, Duke had given up. He was malnourished, left to starve and barely able to stand, had a leg injury and his teeth knocked out. He lay there defeated until he was saved by H4P and Juango Martin.
This beautiful boy now lives a happy life with his "PAWrents" and adoptive doggy sibling - a far cry from the life he had in Spain.
Weighing a whopping 66kg, Duke is now thriving instead of merely surviving! Donations and volunteers help make this possible. 💚

Bones (before and after)
Bones was just 10 months old when he was rescued, no life for a baby. He was severely underweight and covered in ticks and fleas. Regardless of how much he had been let down by humans, he was still full of love, cuddles and so trusting.
And this is bones after - look at that smile! Here he is with his adopted doggy sibling, enjoying a snooze in his beautiful new home…Finally he can relax ❤️

Meet Ralph!
Another puppy that found himself at a kill shelter. Yes, you read that correctly, a puppy at a kill shelter💔
Not only was he left at the kill shelter, he was also beaten and starved. Imagine spending your short life abused and then left to die. H4P couldn’t let that happen. Arrangements were made and we brought him here to the UK where he now lives with his rescue sister, Tiana, in an amazing home where he is truly loved for now until forever ❤️

Previously “Lucy” now Layla🥰
Left to die on the streets with her 3 pups, Lucy was ignored and seen as nothing but trash by walkers by. She was unable to move, she was malnourished, dehydrated, suffering from heat stroke and exhaustion as she stood tied to a tree for three weeks, until a member of the public decided to help her. We have no idea how she survived so long as she lived on scraps that the odd passer-by gave her and was feeding 3 pups herself! We can only assume she fought on for her pups - as without her they would have died.
Here she is now loving life on her afternoon walk. She never thought she’d get so lucky! Absolutely beautiful 🍀💚

Manuela saved from Spain.
Never knowing love or happiness until her adoptive PAWrents came along - Kath and Richard❣️ Manuela was very ill when she was saved from the streets of Spain. Saved and brought to a wonderful new home.
Sadly Manuela became ill once again and gained her angel wings. We can’t thank Richard and Kath enough for adopting this poorly girl and showing her what life is all about, she passed knowing she was truly loved and cherished.
“If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever” 🌈 🤍

Here’s the not so little Byron!
Byron is the brother of Manuela (who was also saved from Spain but is sadly no longer with us 🌈 🤍).
Before coming to the UK Byron spent his young life in a kill station in Spain, crying day and night, looking out of the window from his cage at the outside world. Absolute torture for a big dog like this who needs stimulation and space. Living in poor conditions with little human contact - he had a life of misery.
That was until H4P brought him to the UK where he was homed with the wonderful Kath and Richard. He now lives a wonderful life❤️

This is the beautiful Bichita!
We don’t have a before of Bichita. Bichita was already in kennels when H4P found her, having gnawed at her own tail, leaving a massive chunk missing.
H4P intervened and brought her to the UK where she now lives with her brother Hope and adopted daddy George!
Imagine being so anxious you mutilate your own body, this is the reality for most dogs in kennels and shelters. This is why adopting is so important. This is why we need your help!

The beautiful Sasha was rescued along with her 8 puppies after being abandoned on the streets of Spain. Sasha was rescued by a wonderful member of H4P (Hope for Paws) Juango Martin.
After being brought to the UK, H4P has rehomed all members of this doggy family. See below for pictures of all the pups!
Sasha's beautiful puppies ♥️

After being rehomed here in the UK by Hope for Paws, Odin sadly passed away from a stroke after just 6 months.
We can’t thank Odin's adoptive family enough for the love and kindness they showed him in those 6 months. He passed knowing he was loved and cherished. Run free over The Rainbow Bridge, little one!

Want to see an amazing transformation?
Here he is!
Abandoned and living in a cage; his story was pitiful. He had given up and accepted his fate of a life behind bars, withdrawn, refusing food and no interest in anything or anyone. His ears were constantly flat to his head - a sure sign he was depressed. Michelle, the founder, took one look at his face and knew she needed to save him. That’s when she got into action and brought him to the UK where he has since been adopted. Yay!
Previously named ‘Carlos’ he is now ‘Buddy’ and we think it suits him a lot more 🥰

This is Tom.
This is how he was found, abandoned and chained to a rock in Spanish summertime, with no food or water. Tom had endured so much cruelty at the hands of humans. Looking much older than his age, Toms ragged appearance was due to neglect and a life in awful conditions.
Here he is afterwards, having a snooze without care in the world, just how it should be!

Meet a very sad Spaniel who was abandoned and left to die in a kill station by his previous owners. He had stopped eating and gave up.
Hope for Paws couldn’t see him suffering anymore and brought him to the UK where he lived a very fulfilled and happy life. Unfortunately Bruno has since passed away from natural causes. We hope Bruno’s adoptive family feel comfort in knowing he passed finally feeling safe and loved. Rest easy, handsome boy❤️

These photos are hard to look at, but this is the reality of the work we do. Leo before, starved, beaten, tied to a tree and left to die. Leo has suffered a terrible life of abuse and trauma, we do wonder how he survived at all.
Here’s Leo now… a very different life to the one before. On a walk with his wonderful PAWrent! Go be happy Leo, you deserve it!

“Flies” was the first name given to this dog. He was being eaten away in a Spanish killing station, his face and body infested with flies. If you think the before is hard to look at, imagine living it.
Flies is one of the lucky ones, Hope for Paws managed to save him! He made it out of the kill station, got his name changed to Zeus and now takes up space on his owners sofa! Happy boy.

The sweet Tommy!
Rescued alongside the wonderful Rosie, Tommy was in a terrible condition when he was saved, skin and bones with lesions all over his body, matted fur and the saddest eyes. This was a huge joint rescue that H4P was fortunate to be a part of! After a long painful recovery, Tommy was lucky enough to find a home here in the UK where he now lives with people that adore him. Though the journey doesn’t end there, Tommy unfortunately still has issues and needs surgery to regain his health, which we are trying to raise money for. If you can help please let us know, even £1 goes further than you may think! The lovely Tommy deserves a clean bill of health along with his new life 🥰

here’s Rosie, the beautiful doggo that was rescued alongside Tommy!
Again, she didn’t have it easy, it was a very painful recovery that was only made possible through volunteers and wonderful members of the public. Thanks to everyone involved, Rosie now lives a lovely little life in a rural part of the UK. Look at that before and after - you wouldn’t think it was the same dog! 💚

Unfortunately for Dave, he was born a Podenco, Podencos are the most abused and neglected breed in Spain. Bred to hunt and kept chained day and night in the most horrific conditions, Podencos are destined for a life of misery. Often referred to as the ‘invisible dogs’ or the ‘great forgotten’ so hard to imagine this was Dave’s destiny before being rescued. Dave now lives a dreamy life in a beautiful part of Devon. Only a small percentage of stories end like this for Podencos - please help us help them😭💛

Little bit of a different one here. What we know of Julian is that he knew love, he knew a full tummy and he knew a comfy bed to sleep in at night. Though sadly Julians owner suddenly passed away and Julian alongside his doggy sibling were left for days in a house with their deceased owner 💔 Both dogs survived, a Spanish rescue helped them and Hope for Paws rehomed Julian here in the UK

Look at this cute little squishy doggo!!
This is Toffee🧡 a two year old abandoned on the streets in Bosnia, now living the dream in the UK! Look at that glittery dog collar - one spoilt pupper just how they were meant to be!

Blondie rescued alongside her siblings from a kill station in Bosnia. All 3 pups were rescued but sadly just 2 survived💔 Thanks for Shirley Goode and Hope for Paws, Blondie leads a lovely little life here in the rainy UK ❤️🩹

Blondies brother… Brownie!! 🐾 🍫
Look at cute little baby Brownie in the before picture, hard to imagine he was abandoned on the streets of Bosnia and taken to a kill shelter to be destroyed! Doesn’t matter if you’re big, small, fluffy, old or even a puppy you can still find yourself in a kill station. This is why we need help - donations, volunteers, adopters and people wanting to foster. Without our help they die😔

Bella the beauty!
Bella was rescued from a tiny cage in Bosnia, Bella belonged to a hunter who had beaten and shot her when she was was no longer able to hunt. He locked her in a cage that was so small she couldn’t even stand, hard to fathom how anyone could do that to a face as sweet as hers💔
Bella has since been saved and lives with her amazing new family!

Bear 🐻 (was Pipo!)
Beautiful Bear never thought he would leave his cage, a life of pure misery, everyday was the same until he was adopted by an amazing person here in the Kent, UK. Not only was Bear adopted with the help of Hope For Paws; his owner provided him with loads of training! No dog is perfect but he is pretty damn close! 🐻🤎

Starkey! Adopted alongside Bear, Starkey now lives a happy little life on a farm in Scotland 🏴💙

It’s Tito!
A beautiful Malinois found starving and abandoned wandering the streets of Spain. This handsome chappy was rescued and brought to the UK where he now lives with his forever family! Being a street dog, he hasn’t quite grasped a lead and is currently having classes to help him. This is being funded by Hope for Paws. ❤️

This is Monney - Another Mastiff rescued by Hope for Paws Juango Martin and an amazing team of volunteers in Spain💚
6 years Monney spent existing before being saved, 6 years of being chained up, beaten and starved daily. What an awful life. Monney now lives a happy life in Yorkshire, UK living a life full of love like he’d always dreamed.

These little darlings all rescued alongside Monney, another rescue from the amazing Juango Martin, the wonderful volunteers in Spain and Hope for Paws. All living happy lives in their Spanish homes. No more lonely nights with empty tummies❤️🩹